My New Chick Babies

My New Chick Babies
My little chickies, just home from the store. February 21, 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wow, its New Year's Eve...hope everyone is having a great last day of the year.  Here in beautiful Northern California, the Sun is shining and I have been working in my garden, cleaning up leaves and debris and getting all ready for a brand new year.  I am sending love and best wishes to all my friends and family and pray the new year will be healthy and prosperous for all.  My chickies continue to give me pleasure and eggs, what more could I ask for from them.  My Patti is doing a little better with her Chemo and I figured out today and she will be done with all her treatments by her birthday and be cancer free once more.  Love to all from the coop.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Coop

December 22nd, how did that happen, LOL.  Gave the chickens their Christmas present a little early, its Cracked Chicken Scratch and boy do they love it.  I can't feed them from my hand with this because I would not have a had left, they are kinda greedy for it and boy can they eat fast.

Here are a couple pics of them enjoying their gift and their coop decked out for the holidays.  I have been "keeping the light on" til about 8:30 or 9:00 each night and they have rewarded me by going back to laying 4 eggs a day!

We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year.  We are still dealing with my daughter's breast cancer, now in Chemo and hating it, but trying to remember that along with the nausea is the knowledge that the drugs are doing a number on any wandering cancer cells.

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween is Tomorrow?!

My family has had a very difficult time since my last post, as my youngest daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She has had her surgery and is recovering well, and will now face chemo therapy.  We are all praying for her and expect a full recovery!   

As for the chickies, they just keep me busy, not caring about the events in my "real life".  My clever husband came up with an idea to fence off part of our yard so that the chickens are happy and my lawn is MUCH happier, tee hee.  They still have plenty of room and are very happy with the new "gated community".

And, to make things even better, they are donating four eggs a day, every day, its like magic!  There is nothing better than opening the lid on the nest box and seeing a daily surprise!

And the daily trip allows me to see the glory of the fall colors, even if I do live in California, like God sprinkling a little magic in my life.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We had our first Fall rain over the weekend, not much, but just enough to make it seem that Fall is really here.  It inspired me to get busy on my papercrafting and so I made this Fall card for everyone.  I hope you enjoy the beautiful season as much as I do.  Enjoy.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th!

Wow, sorry to be so long in posting.  Life sometimes gets in the way.  But, apparently my chickens, or at least one of them, totally believes in the Friday the 13th myth, cuz it seemed to have scared the "EGG" out of her.  I mean, come on, we have all heard of "super size me", but this borders on chicken abuse, don't you think?  Or perhaps a goose sneaked into the coop just to mess with my head.  Anyway, here are a few pics of Ms. Meringue's latest marvel!  I mean we will have to create a new egg name because "jumbo" just won't do, will it?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wow, how can it be AUGUST ?  The days are flying by this summer.  I guess because I am getting a new kitchen which is wonderful and fabulous and . . . SLOW.  So I am camping out, sort of, by cooking on the camp stove in the back yard, which my chickies love, and make much noise about.

The other day, I learned that chickies ALL holler when anyone lays an egg, and boy did they holler loud!  When I went out to gather the offerings, I found a GIANT egg laid just for me....I have not used it yet, but it has to be at least a double yolk.  This would make number two of double yolks for Ms. Meringue, my white chicken, who, by the way is more of a soot color this summer from all the dust baths she has been having....if you have not already purchased your chicks, stay clear of white, cuz it doesn't stay that way.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and, like me, way too busy having fun to blog...LOL.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy me!  What a great birthday gift, Ms. Souffle presented me with her FIRST egg, a pale blue-green beauty, kinda small, but it is her first.  And, her bunkmate, Ms. Meringue also gifted me with her daily egg.  Wow, two eggs a day, what a great start to a yummy breakfast.  Check out the proud gifters: